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Bop.P. Block Bottom Valve Bags

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Dayana Polyplast Pvt. Ltd., a leading manufacturer of BOPP Block Bottom Valve Bags that enhances moisture resistance of cement bags which are made of woven PP material. The product is already in commercial use and finding traction with major cement and chemical brands.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Bop. P. Block Bottom Valve Bags, Bop. P. Multi Colour Laminated Bags, Flexible Packaging Pouches Roll Forms, Garbage Bags Roll, Laundary Bags, P. P. Block Bottom Valve Bags, P. P. H. D. P. E. Laminated Bags Fabric Roll, P. P. H. D. P. E. Unlaminated Bags Fabric Roll, P. P. Woven Clear Sheets Fabric, Poly Bags Roll, Shopping Bags